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View, edit and create roles and permissions for your users

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over a week ago

🔒 The actions within this section are controlled by the 'Role setup' and 'Restricted role setup' permissions

What are roles?

Roles & permissions are a key feature that allows each school to simply implement site wide access controls.

  • Each staff member can be part of one or more roles if required

  • A role refers to a collection of permissions that are checked as you move between the different applications of Satchel One

  • A permission refers to one specific area of the system such as ‘Attendance codes’ and can have up to four different access levels

  • Access levels can be either View, Create, Edit or Delete and allow for more granular access to be assigned within the area outlined by each permission

  • If a user is in more than one role, their permissions will be amalgamated

Roles allow you to create different levels of access and functionality for your user groups depending on their needs; rather than giving your staff the keys to the kingdom, you can simply ensure that they have the rights they need to perform their day-to-day functions while reserving some actions for more senior staff or those with specialist roles.

You may wish to create a base level role which is applied to all of your staff and provides some of the day to day functions they’ll need, then you can create others i.e. ‘Classroom Teacher’, ‘Senior Leader’, ‘Behaviour Manager’ etc. where they are given additional permissions that others do not require e.g. the ability to edit or delete certain data.

View and manage existing roles

To view existing roles, click Tools > System > Roles.

You’ll find a list here of any roles already created and you can choose to view, duplicate or delete them. You can also adjust whether a role type is ‘Active’ or ‘Inactive’ as well as restricting certain roles too using the blue / grey toggles.

Active Roles

Active roles will be shown around the system whilst assigning roles; deactivating a role will remove access for its members.

Restricted roles

Restricted roles can only have their permissions and membership changed by those with the necessary elevated permissions.

In the ‘Actions’ column, you can click ‘View’ to explore or edit a role, click the copy icon to duplicate a role or click the bin icon to delete a role.

Create a role

To create a new role, click the green ‘Create’ button at the top right, then click the ✏️ or the ➕ icon to adjust each section on this page.


Give your role a name i.e. ‘Classroom Teacher’.

Write a brief description of who might use this role and any special permissions given so it’s easy for people to recognise i.e. ‘Allows Behaviour Managers oversight and edit / deletion rights for all Behavioural events then save your changes.


Here you’ll see a breakdown of every feature available to your school and you can choose what users in this group are able to ‘View’, ‘Create', ‘Edit’ or ‘Delete’.

Open each tray by clicking the heading to reveal more specific options below; if you’re unsure of what each section is controlling, click on the blue text for a description which will help you make your choices.

Tick the relevant boxes to grant users in this group the permissions you desire and, should you wish to flood fill your options, you can tick the top box in each column to select all in that section.

📝 If a permission is missing a checkbox in any of the four access level columns it means that there isn’t currently any function controlled by this within Satchel One.

Use the search bar at the top of the ‘Permissions’ area to look for keywords i.e. Behaviour and find any permissions associated with it - this can be a real time saver!

When you’re happy with your selections, save your changes.


Clicking the ➕ will open a side menu where you can search for and multi-select staff that you’d like to add to this role.

The start date controls when they’ll get access to these permissions and the optional end date dictates when they’ll lose access. If you don’t require an end date, please leave this blank and their involvement in the role will be considered ongoing.

Once you’ve added some staff, save your changes and you’ll see the staff now populated. Should have a large number of staff in this role, you can use the search bar to look for an individual and quickly see if they’re in there.




Can a staff member be in more than one role?

Absolutely! Just edit the role and add their name into the ‘Staff’ section. They will be assigned the relevant permissions across all roles they belong to.

If I have a standard teacher role and am making another one for senior leaders, do I need to tick all of the standard teacher permissions again?

No, if your staff are already a member of the standard teacher role, you will only need to tick a few extra permissions in the ‘Senior Leader' role; remember that permissions are amalgamated so they all add together! No need to repeat permissions.

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