What is the Calendar?
The calendar offers a weekly overview of all assigned tasks across the school. If you are looking for a list of tasks by yourself and your colleagues to reuse, go to the Resources tab instead.
View the Calendar
🔏 The actions within this section are controlled by the All homework tasks
From the navigation menu, click Homework to access the Calendar page. By default, this is set to show the tasks issued by you this week.
The start and end of each task are denoted by a straight edge. If a task’s duration is longer than a week, an arrow will be pointing left for an earlier start date or right for a later end date.
The tasks on the calendar are colour-coded according to their task type:
To create a new task, simply click ‘Set task’ in the top-right corner.
Filter the Calendar
You can choose which tasks you would like to see on the Calendar.
My tasks → Created by you
My classes → Created by any teacher for your classes
All tasks → Created by any teacher for any class
Use the classes filter to locate work set to specific groups. You can further refine the results using the options in More filters.
Types (Assignment, Quiz, Classwork etc)
Year groups
Staff members
Use the arrows or the date picker to navigate to a different week. You can click on Today to easily revert back to the current week.
Click on a task to view more details, such as the description and any student submissions or comments.
Question | Answer |
Can I see tasks that are set for future or past dates? | Yes! You can pick any week in the past or future, including previous academic years. |
I am sharing a class with a colleague. How can I see the homework they are setting? | Switch from ‘My tasks’ to ‘My classes’ to see homework set to any of the groups are are assigned to. |