What is the Student directory?
The Student Directory allows you to view and manage students at your school, including updating personal details, managing groups and permissions, and sending password links.
View Student directory
π The actions within this section are controlled by the Student directory
To access the directory, go to Tools > Students > Student directory. By default this is set to show the students currently on roll.
Granular permissions
π Access to specific fields can be refined with the options available in the Student
permissions folder.
Since the directory contains sensitive student information, permissions can be configured at a field level.
For example:
A user may be able to view student email addresses but not UPNs.
Permissions for certain actions (view, create, edit, delete) are set separately, meaning some users can view data but not modify it.
If you cannot access or edit a particular field, please contact your school administrator.
Customise columns
Select the information you want to display on the screen from the available list of Columns. Your preferences are saved to your account, so you wonβt need to reselect them next time.
To reset to the default selection, click the X.
Since data can be exported, these options also allow you to build a custom student report.
Please note that the available information depends on MIS sync compatibility. Some options are exclusive to schools using Satchel One MIS.
Filter students
Use the search bar to locate pupils by name. You can choose to include the following students on the directory:
Currently on-roll (default)
Former pupils
Planned admission (MIS only)
Other applicants (MIS only)
For more filtering options, click More Filters, where you can refine results by:
Site access: Not invited, Have site access, Disabled
Year groups
Registration groups
Inclusion groups (PP, EAL, SEN, etc.)
To view a student's details:
Click View beside their name for the full profile.
Click directly on the student's name to open the Overview page, which summarises key information.
You can select one or multiple students on the Student directory and apply changes in bulk:
Select all students on the current page
Expand the selection to all students matching your filters
Clear the section
The available actions include:
Send password link - Invite new students or help existing students recover passwords; this includes instructions to log in with Single Sign-on. It can be used alongside the Site access filter to target specific groups.
Export - Generate reports with custom student data, such as contact details.
Generate UPNs or candidate information (MIS schools only).
Enable / Disable access.