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Homepage zones

Store and share school resources and files with staff, students and parents on your public homepage

Konstantina avatar
Written by Konstantina
Updated over a week ago

Homepage Zones provide schools with the ability to publicly share and store school documents, resources, audio, video and any files useful for the school staff, teachers, students and parents.

Customise your homepage

For your homepage zones to be publicly accessible, your homepage must be enabled.

You can activate and customise the information shown on your school's homepage on the Personalise page in admin settings. 

Admin management

Satchel One staff with admin access can edit the content and organisation of the homepage and all the zones. They can add, edit or remove folders and choose which content is pinned to the top of each zone in Popular Resources. To make any changes go to Admin > Manage public folders.

You can add files and edit, unshare or delete any existing files from any of the zones.

Favourite resources

As an admin you can promote important files by pinning them at the top. Press the star beside a file or folder to add it in Favourite resources.

Uploading files

Any admin can upload files from the My Drive section of their Satchel One account. An admin can unshare or remove any files if they choose to; teachers can also remove files they’ve uploaded themselves.

School zone

The zone containing information and any files about the school for everyone to access. By default these are:

  • School policies

  • About the School

  • Other information

These may appear differently as they can be edited and added to by any of the school's Satchel One admins.

Student zone

The Student Zone is for students to find any information, files or resources relevant to them. Any admin can share files for students to access.

By default, the Student Zone is split into folders by year and then split by subject. Students can also filter the files in the zone by subject and teacher, as well as being able to search. 

Students can go to their school’s homepage, select their student folder and access, download or print any file without their login details.

Parent folders

Like the other zones, the Parent Zone is the place for parents to find any documents or files the school would like to share with them. It works in the same way as the others except that by default the folders are:

  • General information

  • School policies

  • Latest news

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