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Creating tasks

Get started with setting tasks!

Konstantina avatar
Written by Konstantina
Updated over a week ago

To create a task, log into Satchel One and click the + Create task button near the top left of your screen.

Next, you will be able to choose between seven types of tasks: Assignment, Spelling Test, Quiz, Differentiated, Class Test, Flexible tasks and Classwork.


Assignments are the most common and widely used exercise on Satchel One. It's a simple way to set homework that can be submitted online or in class. Learn more here.

Spelling Test

Spelling tests allow you to provide a list of words we then convert into audio files using text-to-speech technology. When students go to take the test, they will hear the spoken word and be prompted to enter its spelling. Learn more here.


Quizzes allow you to set questions to your students, who will then have to choose the correct answer from a selection of correct and incorrect answers you create. Learn more here.

Differentiated Homework

Differentiated Homework enables teachers to set differentiated tasks for students. Pick & mix, get creative! Learn more here.

Class Tests

Class Tests can be used by teachers to schedule reminders for important dates at school. Teachers can choose to add materials to prepare for tests, previews of tests, or any other resources they might want to pass on. Learn more here.

Flexible tasks

Flexible tasks enabled teachers to set homework for students that do not require submission. Learn more here.


Classwork was created to help support teachers and students with distance learning. With this type of homework, you can record video lessons or even share video conferencing links for live lessons. Learn more here.

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