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School Overview Report

See how much homework is being set across the school by year, subject, and teacher

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over 4 years ago

The School Overview Report allows you to monitor the quantity, as well as the type, of tasks being set across the entire school. You can filter the results by teacher, subject class or year group.

How do I generate my report? 

To generate your report, click the Reports tab from the left-hand side menu and select View report under School Overview. From here, you will be able to filter results according to teacher, subject, class and year.

What do the numbers indicate?

The Quantity number indicates the exact amount of homework tasks set to that Year Group, Subject, or by a specific Teacher. The Percentage number represents the quantity as a proportion of the total homework set within that time period.

Use the date picker to adjust the time-frame of the report. You can also use the top-right toggle to hide any rows with 0 values.

How can I export my results?

Once you have applied the relevant filters across the top, you can then export the results to a  PDF or  XLS file. This ensures that your results can be populated into tables and graphs for record-keeping and presentation purposes.

💡Top Tip: Want a quick overview rather than a full-scale report? Use Insights to view activity and submissions stats for individual students, classes and homework tasks in a click.

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