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Using the Gradebook

View your child's submissions and grades

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over 4 years ago

The Gradebook is where you can see the grades and submission statuses for your child's homework. Once you log in, simply click the Gradebook icon under your child's name to get started.

The Gradebook will display all the homework tasks your child has been assigned by default but you can use the filters at the top to narrow the classes down by subject, teacher, or submission status.

Due date

Assignments are organised by due date. You can toggle the assignments to show in ascending or descending order. 


Click on the title of a homework task for more details about the assignment including the issue date, a description of the task, which teacher assigned it, and how the students were supposed to submit it. 


The submissions status indicates whether or not the assignment was completed and, if completed, whether it was completed on time or not. Quizzes, spelling tests and online submissions will be graded automatically; however, most assignments will rely on a teacher to grade them manually. This means it is possible to have a blank status for completed homework.


If a grade has been entered for a task, it will appear in the Grade column for the assignment.


Click on Results for more information about your child's grade and submission status or to see any comments left on their work by their teacher.

Top tip: Does your child need to ask a question about a piece of homework? They can leave a comment for their teacher by going to the Results tab of the task when logged into their student account.

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