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Community Resources

Find, reuse and adapt tasks created by Satchel One users around the world.

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over a week ago

Finding content in Community Resources

The Community Resources area can be found on your navigation panel.

This is where teachers who use Satchel One have chosen to share their tasks externally, providing you with inspiration and ready made content to reuse!

For schools who have purchased our Content app, you will be able to quickly switch over to view Collins Content using the tab at the top!

To find useful content, you can utilise our filters and search options at the top of the page. Narrow down results by subject, year groups and look for keywords that may be found in a tasks title or description. You can click on ‘More filters’ to get even more specific!

Here you can search for ‘tags’, which are specific words or phrases that teachers have identified so that others can search and find what they’re looking for. When you click here, you will be shown a few suggested tags which you might like to look at, or you can type in your own.

Next, you may wish to choose an ability level for the task you’re looking for.

Finally, you can specify the type of task you're looking for, whether it be a spelling test, a quiz or a standard homework assignment.

Remember that you can use as many filters and searches as you like, and you can multiselect as well!

Now that you have your results, you can choose how you’d like to view and organise them. Choose how many results you’d like to see on the page, and you can also adjust your sorting options by 'popularity' or 'most recent'.

When you find something interesting, you can click on it to see the content.

You’ll be shown lots of information about the task, including the full description and any attachments will be listed on the left hand side. You can choose to view attachments individually or you can download them all as a zip.

For interactive tasks such as quizzes and spelling tests, you can preview the task to get a sense of how it will look for students. You’ll also be able to download a PDF version of quizzes should you wish to.

If you’d like to use this task yourself, click the red ‘Use’ button. This will bring you to the task setting page where you can make any changes you’d like to the content and set it to your own classes.

Please remember that these tasks have been created and shared by other Satchel One users, so it’s always good practice to check the quality and content of the task before you share it to your own students.

When you’re happy with the task, you can publish it, just as you usually would! This task will now go into your ‘My Resources’ area so you and your colleagues can reuse it at any time.

Sharing your own tasks to Community Resources

Should you wish to, you can share one of your own tasks to community resources.

You can do this by visiting a published task and clicking the ‘Share this task’ toggle.

You’ll then be given a range of details to fill in which will help other users to identify tasks that are of interest to them. The subject and year group are assigned automatically, while the other data is customisable. Remember that by applying very specific tags, you are making it easier for your peers to find really useful content!

As usual, please ensure that your task does not contain sensitive data, as this will immediately become visible to all users.

You can unshare a task at any time by revisiting it from your resources or calendar and switching this toggle off again.

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