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Using Attendance Pro as a teacher
Using Attendance Pro as a teacher

Record and manage school-wide attendance and punctuality

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over a year ago

Recording and Managing Attendance (Browser)

Accessing the Attendance register

You can record and manage student attendance from two easy to access locations within Satchel One.

The quickest route to your class register is via your Timetable. Find the relevant class / reg group and click the 'Attendance' icon underneath the class details.

If you have the Timetable app enabled, do remember that your daily agenda will be visible on your dashboard; you can jump straight into your register from here too!

You can also access your ‘Timetable’ from your navigation panel. Click on any lesson and you’ll see that the ‘Attendance’ shortcut button is just a click away.

Alternatively, you can go to My Classes, manage a class and then choose the ‘Student list’ tab. To enter Attendance mode, click on the blue ‘Actions’ button and then ‘Attendance’.

Exploring the Attendance register

You’ll now see that your student list has changed, allowing you to take your register.

First, use the filter at the top to ensure that you are logging attendance details for the correct school session; this could be AM and PM sessions or it could be for a specific lesson.

At the top right of your page, you will see that you can toggle between a list and a student card view of Attendance; choose whichever you’re most comfortable with!

If you look at the register after the first period of the day, you'll see a column called 'Today's attendance'. In this column you'll be able to see all of the previous attendance marks recorded for each student so far today. If you hover over one of these marks, you'll be able to see the lesson period that the mark corresponds to.

Marking Attendance

Go to the ‘mark’ box and add in the correct code for your students. Once a code has been added, you will automatically be moved to the next student.

If you need a reminder of the codes available to you from your schools MIS, click the downward arrow beside the mark box. When you’ve made a selection, the code and it’s details will appear on the right.

You might alternatively choose to tick the ‘Mark remaining as present’ button at the top of the attendance page; this will mark all empty boxes as present, allowing you to efficiently complete your register after addressing any individuals who are not ‘present’.

🔒 Locked marks: Greyed out marks may be seen on a register which indicate that a mark has already been previously recorded and saved. You can choose to overwrite this mark, however, by clicking the arrow beside the mark box and changing this manually.

Commenting on Attendance marks

You can add comments related to student attendance by clicking the speech bubble icon, typing your information and then clicking the green 'Save' button. You can edit by pressing the pencil icon.

When you’ve written and saved a comment, you will notice that the comment bubble icon turns blue so that you can easily spot any comments you or your colleagues have made.

Saving your Attendance register

Details you have entered will not be saved until you press the green ‘Save register’ button, so you are free to amend until then. When you click this button, your data is saved and will be written back to your MIS.

⚠️ A register will not be considered complete until it is saved with a mark populated for every student. A register that has not been completed after 10 minutes of lesson / session time will trigger an 'Incomplete Register Alert'.

Truancy Warnings

If you record an unauthorised absence mark for any students, you may receive a Truancy warning pop-up.

This flags that a new truancy has been logged and informs you that your attendance team have been notified.

💡 Your attendance team will have the role 'Attendance Officer' in Satchel One and will receive automatic notifications when Truancy Warnings are logged.

Priority Alerts: Incomplete Register Alerts

If you have not completed a register after 10 minutes of the lesson / session starting, you will receive an 'Incomplete Register Alert'. This will appear as a popup on your screen, prompting you to resolve (complete the outstanding register) or dismiss the alert.

Once you've clicked 'Resolve', the browser will navigate you automatically to the outstanding register, allowing you to complete and save your changes.

If you are not able to resolve the alert immediately, clicking 'Dismiss' will close the popup. When you're able to resolve the outstanding register, you can then review and manage outstanding alerts by clicking the 'Priority Alerts' icon.

Clicking on an alert will navigate you automatically to the outstanding register.

When the alert is resolved i.e. the outstanding register has been completed, the corresponding alert will be cleared from your 'Priority Alerts' dropdown.

📝 Your 'Priority Alerts' dropdown will only show alerts relevant to the current day.

Integration with other Satchel One apps


You may see an exclamation mark beside a student's name on the register indicating that they have a detention scheduled for today. Hover over this icon to see details of the detention.

Welfare Notes:

You may see a blue pulsating dot over a student on the register indicating that there is a shared Welfare Note for that student that you have not yet read. Click the student's image to see the updates.

Setting Tasks Based on Attendance Marks

Once you have taken a register, you will then be able to set tasks to your students based on their attendance mark for your lesson.

You can click the set task button for a class directly from your timetable, or you can manually go to the set task menu and select a class group.

When you open your ‘Student’ drop down list, you’ll notice that, pinned to the top are the options ‘Select attended’ and ‘Select absent’. Click on your chosen option to instantly select only the students that meet this attendance criteria.

Recording and Managing Attendance (Mobile App)

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Who can take a register in Satchel One?

Any member of staff can mark attendance in Satchel One, even if they are not linked to that class.

Can I take somebody else's register?

Yes! You can take any register, even if it's not a class linked to you. Visit the Timetable app and usr the filters to see your colleague's timetable; you can then click the 'Attendance' icon and take any register needed.

Can I change a mark I've already saved in Satchel One?

Yes; click on the saved mark and you will be asked to confirm that you intend to overwrite the previous mark. Make your change and then click 'Save register' again to save your changes.

Can I still take attendance on our MIS?

No, it's important to make sure that you only mark Attendance in Satchel One in order to avoid data conflicts. If you'd like to understand more about why this is so important, please click here to read our 'Understanding Attendance Pro' article.

What can students and parents see?

Students and parents can't currently see attendance details for specific periods, therefore they will only see overall attendance and punctuality rates when they look on the app. Click here to see what students and parents / guardians see re: Attendance.

How are attendance percentages calculated in Attendance Pro?

Attendance percentages are calculated based on marks imported from XoD for each student.

Can I record attendance for backdated lessons in Attendance Pro?

Yes, teachers can record attendance for backdated lessons by adjusting the date picker when in attendance mode.

What happens if a student is marked as a 'Guest Student'?

'Guest Students' will be marked as such on the register and their name and attendance mark field will be greyed out. Teachers cannot add marks or comments for these students as these will be logged by the main school.

Can I mark all students as present in Attendance Pro?

Yes, teachers can use the 'mark all as present' tick box to change the mark for all students to 'present' if applicable. This can be helpful when most students are present with only a few exceptions.

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