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Create Differentiated Homework

Differentiated Homework enables teachers to set differentiated tasks for students

Konstantina avatar
Written by Konstantina
Updated over a week ago

Differentiated Homework enables teachers to set differentiated tasks for students. Any task can have up to five different categories or trays. Within each of these trays are different tasks. This provides a highly flexible and engaging way of setting homework.

Set a Differentiated Homework

To begin, click + Create task from the menu on the left and select Differentiated. You will then be taken to a form where you will fill in some general information about the task.


First, enter the title for the task. This will appear on the students' personal calendars and To-Do List.

Describe the task for your students

Fill this box with the information the students need to know about the task. You can format your text using the available options. To upload resources, images or other attachments, scroll down to the Attachments area.


Select a subject for the task. This will help students locate their task on the school calendar. It’s also important for reporting purposes.

Class group(s)

Select the group your task will be assigned to from the drop down menu.

You can set a task to multiple classes in one go by using the checkboxes to multi-select!

You can also set it to a class you are covering; simply click on Find other classes to search for classes. You can search by name, subject or year group using the filters at the top.

You can tick the top box to select all groups that are currently displayed to you which is helpful if you want to select a cohort of classes e.g. year 8 mathematics classes.

Marking scheme

Choose a marking scheme from the drop down menu. This will allow you to grade the task accordingly later. New marking schemes can be created by a school Admin. If you are an admin, learn how to create a new marking scheme here.

Issue and Due dates

The Issue date field allows you to set the date on which the task will first appear in the school calendar as well as the student and parent personal calendars. This allows you to set your task far in advance but prevents students from rushing ahead.

The Due date field allows you to select the deadline for submissions. Homework submitted online past that date will be marked as "Submitted late".

Issue on lesson and Due on lesson

If you use Satchel One’s Timetable app, you can also use the Issue on lesson and Due on lesson fields.

These update automatically based on your timetable and the dates you have selected but remain flexible in case you’d like to change them.

Attaching a task to a specific lesson acts as visual reminders on the Timetable for you and your students, however it will not affect the publish time of the the task.

Cover photo

How about a sneak peek or a hint for the theme or tray? Add a cover photo! Click on the Choose file button and select the image you wish to use. For the best results, images should be at least 250x1170.

How should students submit the task

This field is locked to class submissions as we do not currently support online submissions for this type of homework.

Create your trays

Differentiated Homework tasks are sorted into trays. You can add multiple tasks within each tray to create custom a pick-and-mix or take-away style of homework. You can rename a tray simply by clicking on its name; press enter to Save your changes.

Add attachments to each task by dropping them on the upload area or click on Upload from my computer. Alternatively, store files on your My Drive in Satchel One for easy access from any device, or choose any of the other available options.

If you use Google Apps or Office 365 at school, you can upload attachments directly from Google Drive or OneDrive in a single click.

Add new Tray

Click 'Add new tray' to create a new one, type in a name and press enter to save.

New trays can be used to differentiate factors of your choice. For example difficulty, subject matter, or class groups for reading or maths. You can add up to five trays, so get creative: Starter/Main/Dessert, Mild/Spicy/Hot, Monday - Friday and so on!

Once you are happy with your differentiated homework, you can set the homework by pressing Publish assignment.

When you have completed the form, press Publish assignment.

💡Top tip: Started a Differentiated Homework but don't have time to finish? Save it as a draft to come back to it later. You can find it again in My Resources > My drafts.

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