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See how students and parents are engaging with Satchel One

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over a week ago

Gain valuable insights into your students' progress. View activity and submission stats for individual students, classes and homework tasks in a click, so you can easily spot who needs more attention.

Student Insights

Get information and submission statistics for an individual student.

To view Student Insights click on a student’s name or search for them in the top right search bar. Select the Insights tab from the top of the page.


Shows info about the student: class year, registration group, last login and last parent activity. You can use the message links to quickly email the teachers of this student.

Guardian contact details

Surfaces contacts details from your school's MIS. A relevant phone number or email address is shown for the two contacts with the highest priority. To see all contacts available for this student click the 'View all contacts' link.

Current Lesson

Allows you to see up to two upcoming lessons for this student. You'll be able to see the class name, subject and room for each lesson and if a lesson is currently taking place it will be highlighted in red. To see this student's full timetable click the link at the bottom of the card


Shows recent behaviour events involving this student. You can see the points the student was awarded, the reason for the event and the date it occurred. To see a full behaviour breakdown for this student click the link at the bottom of the card.

Overdue tasks this week

Shows any overdue tasks for this week for this student. If a task has a due date in the current week and has been marked as not submitted then it will display here. For the tasks shown you can see an excerpt of the title, the class and subject it was set for and the task type. The number in the header tells you the total number of overdue tasks for the week. To see a full breakdown of overdue tasks in the Gradebook click the link at the bottom of the card.

Attendance Rate

Surfaces the attendance rate stored for this student within your school's MIS. If your school has attendance groups configured this graph will be colour coded based on this student' placement within them. To view more information about this student's attendance in the attendance report click the link at the bottom of the card.

Welfare Notes

Shows the number of shared and personal welfare notes available for this student. If you have any unread shared notes for this student you will be able to see a flashing blue indicator.

Today's Attendance

Shows all available attendance marks for todays date for this student. For a full breakdown of this student's attendance over the last 30 weeks click the link at the bottom of the card.

Recent Detentions

Shows upcoming and recent detentions for this student. You can see the reason for the detention, the time and date it takes place and the student's attendance status. To view more information about this student's detentions in the detention report click the link at the bottom of the card.

Task Insights

Get information about students and parents regarding a specific task and quickly send reminders to relevant students.

Submission stats

Here you can see a breakdown of the current submission statuses that your student's have for this task. You can use the 'View students who have not submitted' link to see a list of all students who's status is marked as 'Not Submitted' or have not yet had a status assigned.

Whilst viewing those students which have not yet submitted you can click 'reminders' to send these students a comment, parents will also be notified.

Student views 

See how many students in the class have looked at the task. You can see a list of both the students that have and have not viewed the task. Use the reminders button to send a comment to the students that have not viewed a task, parents will also be notified.

Parent views

See how many parents in the class have looked at the task. You can see a list of the parents that have and have not viewed a task.

Overall homework visibility

Shows the total task views since the issue date, as well as the number of student and parent views. The graph shows the number of views per day for the month,  starting from the issue date. The 'public views' statistic refers to the number of times your task has been viewed through your school's public homework calendar.


See how many of your students have downloaded or viewed your resources. You can see a list of the students that have and have not viewed a particular resource.

Whilst viewing those students which have not viewed a resource you can click 'reminders' to send these students a comment, parents will also be notified.

Class Insights

To view Class Insights go to My Classes and choose the class you’d like to view by clicking View and grade class tasks and then select the Insights tab from the top of the page.

Homework Turn-in Rate

View turn-in rates per homework task for the whole academic year. Different student demographics in the class can be compared against the class average; these include PP, SEN, G&T, and EAL.

Homework Submission

Shows the top five performers of the class and areas for concern based on the five highest and lowest submission rates for the last two weeks.

Student Activity

Find out how many students have logged in over the last week and a list of those who haven’t, including their letters for logging in.

Parent Activity

Find out how many parents have logged in over the last week and a list of those who haven’t, including their letters for logging in.

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