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iOS app for students

Get to grips with our mobile app for iOS

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over 6 months ago

The app

The Satchel One app is an easy way for students to stay organised on the go. To download the App, just visit the Apple Store and search for Satchel One or click the icon below.

Once you have downloaded the app you will need to search for your school. Then simply log in using your login details as normal.


Once logged in, you can get to the main menu anytime by tapping on the menu bar in the top-left corner. You can use the main menu to navigate to the following sections:

  • To-do list: View upcoming, past, or overdue homework

  • Timetable: View your scheduled classes per week. Kindly note this section will only appear if your school has Timetables enabled.

  • Notice board: View school announcements and event reminders

  • Reminders: Your own list of personal reminders

  • Updates: Review notifications for grades, comments or announcements that have been posted for you

  • Settings: Update your account settings, access our Help Centre or get in touch with us

  • Sign out: Press to log out of your account on the app

To-do List

From the To-do list, you can select tasks to read their description and download any resources attached to the task. The To-do list is divided into three different sections: Upcoming, Past, and Overdue.

On the Upcoming list, you will find any homework with forthcoming deadlines. Once you have completed a homework, check the box beside its title. If you want to view only homework that has not yet been ticked as complete, toggle the All/To-do switch in the top-right hand corner.

On the Past list, you will find homework that you've marked as complete and now their deadline has passed.

On the Overdue list, will show you any homework that is now past its due date and has not been ticked off yet.

Marked something as completed before you meant to? Not to worry! The To-do list is simply an organisational too, your teacher will not receive any notifications for this. You can untick the homework task to return it to your Upcoming list.


If you have a question for your teacher you can leave a comment for them by typing into the Message box at the top of the screen and then pressing Send

Homework submission

If your teacher has requested that you submit your homework online, you can do this within the app. Simply upload your homework for online submissions directly from your camera gallery, Dropbox, or Google Drive by clicking the paper clip icon.

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