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Overdue tasks

Find outstanding tasks in the to-do list and gradebook

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over a week ago

You can view your overdue tasks on the web browser or via the Satchel One app.

When is a task considered overdue

You will see overdue tasks when:

Viewing overdue tasks 

Web Browser

Any tasks that you have not yet ticked off or submitted will appear on the Overdue tab of your To-do list.

Mobile App

In the app, any overdue tasks will appear in the Overdue tab on To do.

You may see an alert at the top of your Upcoming tab notifying you of any overdue tasks; tap the 'Review' button to jump straight into your Overdue tab.

Once on the Overdue tab, you will see the option to 'Mark as completed'; this will tick off any tasks that are currently listed as overdue so that they are now marked as completed!

Overdue task notifications

If you have email notifications enabled, you may receive overdue task reminders.

If you are receiving these reminders, this may mean that your teacher has set a task that requires an online submission. Tasks marked for online submission must have a submission on Satchel One, otherwise you will be notified of your overdue task until you make a submission.
You can stop the reminders by locating your task and clicking on the Submit tab.

You can submit your work in either the text box or by adding your document as an attachment.

In some cases you may have already handed in this work in class; to stop these overdue notifications you can leave a comment for your teacher and request that they mark you as 'Submitted'.

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