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What is the To-do list?

Stay organised with your to-do list

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over 3 years ago

The To-do list is an organisational tool to help you keep on top of your deadlines. Any tasks assigned by your teachers will appear on the To-do list.

Web Browser

Mobile App

Web Browser

Finding my tasks

Tasks are divided into three tabs: Upcoming, Past, and Overdue.


When you are assigned a new task you will see it in the Upcoming tab.

From this tab, you can click the task title to view the details or mark the work as completed by ticking the box to its right.

You can use the search bar to find specific tasks using keywords from its title, your teacher's name, or the subject that this task is related to.

Tasks will be ordered with the oldest and the most imminent due dates at the top and all future due dates below. There are four subheadings:

  • This week

  • Next week

  • The week after

  • Load more... Click here to see tasks with due dates further in the future.


The Past tab allows you to see every task that you have previously marked as completed, or that your teacher has previously marked as 'Submitted' or 'Submitted Late'.

Tasks will be ordered with the newest and the most recent due dates at the top and all older due dates below. There are four subheadings:

  • This week

  • Previous week

  • The week prior

  • Load more... Click here to see tasks with due dates further in the past.


The Overdue tab allows you to see every task that has been marked as 'Not Submitted' by your teachers or that you have not yet ticked off as completed but have passed its due date.

Tasks will be ordered with the newest and the most recent due dates at the top and all older due dates below. There are four subheadings:

  • This week

  • Previous week

  • The week prior

  • Load more... Click here to see tasks with due dates further in the past.

What can I learn about a task on my To-do List?

You can see a range of details about your task straight from the To-do List!

The colour on the far left of the task indicates its type:

The large date on the left indicates when this task is due.

The title of the task is shown at the top and is hyperlinked; click here to see the full task details.

The first line of the task description will be visible below the title, giving you a preview of the content.

The final line will clarify the task type, the group it was assigned to, the subject, and the teacher's name.

On the far right, you will see a tick box that you can mark when you have completed the task.

Marking tasks as completed

You can only mark tasks as complete from your student account; parents and guardians will not have this ability (unless they have upgraded to premium account).

A task can be marked as completed by clicking the box next to the task.

If you mark a task as completed, by default it will hide from your Upcoming list, however, you can toggle the Hide completed option to ensure it remains visible to you until the due date has passed. Completed tasks will be greyed out with a strike through it to help you stay organised.

If you've accidentally marked a task as completed, simply go to the Past tab and un-tick the box. The task will reappear in the Upcoming or the Overdue tab depending on its allocated due date.

πŸ’‘ PLEASE NOTE: The To-do list is simply an organisational tool; marking a task as complete does not submit work or communicate to the teacher that the task is completed. Click here to learn more about submitting your work on Satchel One.

Mobile App

Finding my tasks

Tasks are divided into three tabs: Upcoming, Past, and Overdue.


When you are assigned a task you will see it in the Upcoming tab.

From this tab, you can tap the task title to view the details or mark the work as completed by ticking the box to its left.

You can use the search bar to find specific tasks using keywords from its title, your teacher's name, or the subject that this task is related to.


The Past tab allows you to see every task that you have previously marked as completed, or that your teacher has previously marked as 'Submitted' or 'Submitted Late'.


The Overdue tab allows you to see every task that has been marked as 'Not Submitted' by your teachers or that you have not yet ticked off as completed.

You may see an alert at the top of your Upcoming tab notifying you of any overdue tasks; tap the 'Review' button to jump straight into your Overdue tab.

How are my tasks ordered?

Tasks will be ordered with the most imminent due dates at the top and all future due dates below.

It's also helpful to make use of the 'All / To do' toggle at the top right of your screen when on the Upcoming tab.

If your toggle is in the 'All' position, you will be able to see all tasks with upcoming due dates even if you've already ticked them off. You will see the ticked boxes letting you know which tasks have been submitted or marked as completed.

If your toggle is in the 'To do' position, you will only be shown tasks that have not yet been submitted or marked as completed.

What can I learn about a task on my To do?

You can see a range of details about your task straight from To do!

The date above the task indicates when this task is due.

On the left of the task, you will see a tick box that you can mark when you have completed the task.

The colour surrounding the tick box on the far left indicates the task type:

The title of the task is shown at the top; tap anywhere on this task to see it's full details. Below, you will see the subject that this task was set to.

A paperclip symbol to the right of a task indicates that the teacher has attached files.

Marking tasks as completed

You can only mark tasks as completed from your student account; parents and guardians will not have this ability. (unless they have upgraded to premium account).

A task can be marked as completed by tapping the box to the left of the task.

If you've accidentally marked a task as completed, simply go to the Past tab and un-tick the box. The task will reappear in the Upcoming tab.

πŸ’‘ PLEASE NOTE: The To-do list is simply an organisational tool; marking a task as complete does not submit work or communicate to the teacher that the task is completed. Click here to learn more about submitting your work on Satchel One.

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