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Guardian Contacts

Access guardian contact information within Satchel One

Hannah Chapple avatar
Written by Hannah Chapple
Updated over a week ago

The importing of contact details from your MIS allows staff to surface names, addresses and phone numbers of parents and guardians within Satchel One. You can access this data from the Student Insights area and via the Attendance Pro app.

Importing Guardian Contacts (Admin)

To consent to the importing of Guardian contact details, please go to Admin > Settings > Data Permission and consent to 'Contacts' which will pull through names and contact numbers and email addresses. Additionally, you can choose to consent to 'Addresses' which will pull through any home addresses.

Once this has been done, please wait until the next data import is complete and your new data will appear in Satchel One.

Viewing Guardian Contacts on the student 'Insights' tab

When you visit a student's profile, you can click on their 'Insights' tab which will give you an overview of this student's data across the entire Satchel One platform.

This includes an area showing you two primary Guardian contact details on record for this student. Click on an email address to compose a message to this contact automatically, or click on 'View all contacts' to get more information.

Viewing Guardian Contacts in Attendance Pro

Click 'Attendance' on your navigation panel to get an overview of your 'Daily Absences' tab.

This area will highlight any students who have received any kind of absent mark so far today, allowing you to instantly follow up on concerns and contact guardians.

Under the student name here, you will see a 'View contacts' button.

Clicking this will surface the contact options, allowing you to immediately phone the student's guardian without needing to leave Satchel One and search for any other details. Click on your chosen guardian to view their details.

You can also locate contact details when using the 'Students' tab of the Attendance area.




I can see a guardian contact for student x, but I can't find their account in Satchel One.

Guardian contacts are not actual accounts; it simply consists of their contact details. Parents need to create their Satchel One accounts manually by following these steps.

Which parental contacts are imported?

Groupcall, our third-party data provider, includes all contacts with parental responsibility of any priority - except for those with a court order against their record.

Will only priority 1 contacts be imported?

No, we import all available contacts we receive from your MIS. However, the contacts with priority 1, will show on top.

Will contacts with no priority be imported?

Yes, however, contacts with 0 priority will be visible at the bottom of the list.

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